Best Names for Polydactyl Cats: Find the Perfect Fit!

Best Names for Polydactyl Cats: Find the Perfect Fit!

Okay, here’s my blog post about finding names for cats with extra toes:

Best Names for Polydactyl Cats: Find the Perfect Fit!

So, my friend just got a kitten. Super cute, fluffy, grey tabby… and with extra toes! I’d never really seen a cat like that before, you know? Apparently, they’re called polydactyl cats. Anyway, she was totally stumped on names, and being the resident “cat name expert” (self-proclaimed, of course), I dove headfirst into this challenge.

The Brainstorming Begins

First, I grabbed my phone and started Googling. I just typed in “names for cats with extra toes.” I know, super creative, right? I scrolled through a few lists, some were basic, and a few others made me laugh.

I quickly jot down some ideas that sounded classic or cute:

  • Mittens
  • Thumbs
  • Beans

But I want something more unique and that sound cool, let’s keep searching!

Deeper Dive into the Web

I tried to get a little creative at this time. I wanted something that would be unique and that would fit her kitten.I started thinking about famous figures or characters known for having extra… something. Didn’t find anything that sounds right.

I change my keyword and typed” literary names for cats with extra toes”.

I got some ideas but they are not good enough:

  • Hemingway
  • Twain

The “Aha!” Moment (Sort Of)

After, like, an hour of this (I might have gotten distracted by a few cute cat videos along the way), I was ready to give up. Then, I decided the best idea is come back to the extra toes themselves.

Best Names for Polydactyl Cats: Find the Perfect Fit!

So,I decided to brainstorm some names that are related to “number”. And I got these:

  • Digits
  • Six(or any number)

Finally, I presented all the names I found to my * laughed at some, “aww”-ed at others, and ultimately picked “Digits”.

It was a fun little project! Naming pets is always a surprisingly big decision, but it’s awesome when you find that perfect fit. And hey, I learned a new word – polydactyl! Now I just need to meet this little multi-toed wonder in person. Hope she likes her name!