Okay, so, picture this: I walked into the bathroom the other day, and there’s my cat, Mr. Whiskers, not doing his business, but having a full-blown party in the litter box. He was digging, rolling, kicking litter everywhere like it was a kitty rave. I was like, “Dude, seriously?”

First thing I did, I checked the litter box itself. I mean, is it clean enough? I scooped it out, like, yesterday, but maybe he’s being extra picky. I use that clumping clay stuff, so I made sure there were no hidden “treasures” lurking.
- Scooped the box (again!).
- Wiped down the sides.
- Topped it off with some fresh litter.
Still Playing
Mr. Whiskers watched me do all this, then hopped right back in and started digging again! It’s not a bathroom break, it’s playtime. So, I thought, maybe he’s bored. Cats, man, they need entertainment. It doesn’t seem like he’s uncomfortable.
So next,I tried to up his play routine. I brought his little favorite,a stuffed mouse,wagged it around and throwed,he played for a while and back to the box again!
Ruling Out the Worst
Finally I thought maybe he got * I watched his pee and poo,nothing seems * is still the same eating and drinking.
After all these steps, he is still playing. I guessed maybe he is just being a cat,I decided to move the box to somewhere he doesn’t like, like the balcony,but he followed!I put it back to the origin place,let him be.
I’m not gonna lie, I cleaned that bathroom floor more times,but at least * is happy.