Okay, so the other day, I noticed my neighbor’s cat chilling in my yard. Super cute, fluffy thing, but… no tail! Just a little nub. It got me thinking, what do you even call a cat without a tail? I mean, “Fluffy” doesn’t really cut it when there’s a key feature missing, right?

So, I started down this rabbit hole. First, I just brainstormed. You know, the obvious stuff:
- Nubby
- Shorty
- Bob
- Stumpy
Those were okay, I guess, but kinda boring. I wanted something a little more… unique. So I thought about what breeds are known for not having tails. Like, Manx cats, right? That opened up a whole new avenue:
- Manx (if it actually is a Manx)
- Cymric (apparently, that’s a long-haired Manx…who knew?)
But what if it’s not one of those breeds? It could just be… a cat that lost its tail. Poor thing. That made me think of names that kind of hint at something missing, but in a cute way:
- Skip
- Blink (like, “blink and you’ll miss it” – the tail, get it?)
- Shadow (because the tail’s shadow is all that’s left…okay, maybe that’s a bit dark)
Then I went full-on silly. I figured, why not have some fun with it? These are some of the more…out-there names I came up with:
- Comma (because they look kinda like a comma, curled up)
- Dot
- Wagless
- Tailless wonder
The “Tail” must have had a special meaning, so I decided to use its meaning to do some extension. So I got the names below:
- Comet(without a tail)
- Bunny
Honestly, I haven’t decided on a “name” to call my neighbor’s cat yet. I might just stick with “Hey, kitty!”. But it was a fun little exercise, and who knows, maybe it’ll help someone else out there struggling to name their own tailless feline friend. I mean, I have all these names on a note now, just in case. It’s been fun, to be honest. I think, at the end, I will call it ‘Bob’. Easy to remember, Easy to say. Why not, right?