Okay, so, you won’t believe what my cat, Whiskers, got up to today. I walked into the bathroom, and there she was, not using the litter box, but playing in it! It was a sight, I tell you.

The Discovery
First, I heard this weird rustling sound coming from the bathroom. I thought maybe a pipe had burst or something. So, cautiously I went.
I peeked my head around the corner, and what do I see? Whiskers, my fluffy Persian, is sitting smack-dab in the middle of her litter box, batting at the litter like it’s a brand-new toy!
The Investigation
I was confused, to say the least. She’s never done this before. I did my best to figure it out:
- Fresh Litter: I had just changed the litter yesterday. Maybe she liked the feel of the fresh stuff?
- New Brand:It was the usual kind, nothing fancy or scented.
- Buried Treasure: I did a quick check, using the scoop, thinking maybe she had buried one of her toys in there. Nope, nothing.
The Action (Or Lack Thereof)
Honestly, I didn’t know what to do. Shouting her is no use. She is too cute!
So I just watched her. After a few minutes, she got bored and jumped out, completely litter-free, thankfully. It will give her a good cleaning.
The Aftermath
I cleaned up a little bit of litter that she’d kicked out, made a mental note to keep an eye on her, and that’s it. Cats, man, they’re weird. But that’s why I love ’em, right?
I’m still scratching my head over this one. Maybe she was just having a moment. Who knows what goes on in those furry little heads? If anyone else’s cat has done this, let me know! I’m super curious if this is a “thing” or if my Whiskers is just a special kind of weirdo.